Monday, October 11, 2010

Helping Hands

I decided to start a blog about helping others..It's a place you can go to trade your gently used items once your children have grown out of them or no longer want them...Children grow so fast and sometimes we accumulate so much and never really use it..Why not trade or give to someone who is in need of it..I know from having 2 sons so close in age that we bought so many clothes and shoes and toys...Before I knew it the boys were outgrowing everything, I was able to pass everything down to my nephew who is around the same age..It has saved my sister in law a lot of money and time..I felt better that someone was able to use them and not have to throw them away..So why not post here if your children are done with their 3-6 months with a mom for bigger sizes...Give away the toy that is just sitting in the closet taking up space..Children grow quicker then we can keep up!


  1. Hi Christina...I've been trying to find a new home for a Graco high chair that's still in pretty good conditions. Haven't found any takers, been thinking of taking it to the Salvation Army. If you know of anyone let me know.

  2. Great idea. I will keep it in mind for myself and others who may have items to give as well.

  3. will definitely keep in mind when i'm cleaning out the closets!

  4. Thanks ladies for taking the time to check out the blog..hope we can start trading with others in need...Sharon I will look around for anyone in need of the high chair..Denise you are my first follower...Woohoo!

  5. This is awesome. I will definitely keep this blog handy. I am always either giving something away or needing someuing, lol. Thanks chris!

  6. Hey snookie! I just wanted you to know that I am now following you through blogger! We are linked for life my good friend!
